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To reduce gang, gun and knife crime in the UK

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Where it all started ....

Inspired by a life-changing event, after the passing of 5 friends to serious youth violence, NGC was established in 2013 in London, UK. Over the years, we have been trusted to provide impactful and innovate youth work with young people within inner-city areas. This organisation has been able to work with over 600 beneficiaries including young people, parents and the professionals that work them. Here you can learn more about the Founder's story, who we are and what we do.


Pareece Rose is the Founding Director of New Ground Creations. She holds a uniquely compelling story that started in the heart of Edmonton and yet coming from a difficult background is an inspiration to many young people.  Sadly, Pareece lost 5 friends to the lifestyle she once lived, which caused her to re-evaluate her lifestyle, graduating Youth and Community Work and starting this organisation in 2012.


Pareece has over 10 years of experience in youth work, an accomplished public speaker and trainer. Pareece's business development includes the completion of the University of Cambridge the Social Venture Business Programme in 2019 and acceptance on to the Lloyds Bank and Bank Of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Trade Up Programme 2020. 


Pareece has received recognition of her work since 2016 by receiving an Unltd Star People Award. In 2017 she was an invited speaker on London Live TV to discuss her transition from gang to business women. In 2019 Pareece was a finalist at the PRECIOUS Awards and later won the Wise Women Award 2020. 

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Kelly Akorley

Non- Executive Director Operator

Mental Health Recovery Worker


Our team of givers is dedicated to continuing and expanding our charitable mission. We are a family of creative minds, qualified volunteers, and diverse professionals who focus our different skills and expertise on a singular goal of serving young people their parents and professionals that work with them in the community.

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Sherene Olusesi

Non- Executive Director

Senior CBT Therapist

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Johnson Adeshipe

Chair of NGC

Bid Manager

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Shanelle Walcott

NGC Administrator

Health Care Support Worker


Mark Goodson

Business Advisor

Cambridge Social Ventures

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We refer to these values as the [FEIT] of our company. It is what each service is built upon and embedded within our delivery.

Our philosophy comes from the idea that in order to build a skyscraper you need a deep-rooted foundation. Similarly, it is like a person building a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built. 





To improve the emotional and social skills in young people

To improve the economic prospectives of young people


Increase stronger community cohesion across boroughs


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